
Ethics and Professional Practice – Course Researchers

Ethics and Professional Practice MOD006134 Ethics & Professional Practice Assessment Task Detail and Instructions: This assessment enables you to explore an area of interest to you with reference to ethics and professional practice within the contemporary construction industry within a 2000 word report.  This will include a mini critical ‘literature review’ of the issue, and …

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Case study Gore Tex – Course Researchers

Case study Gore Tex Innovation & entrepreneurshipCLOs:1. Identify and apply the fundamental theories of innovation and entrepreneurship.2. Examine the different debates on innovation and entrepreneurship in multiple sectors regionally and internationally.3. Develop the soft skills needed to pursue innovative entrepreneurial endeavours through immersion in an experiential learning environment4. Apply innovative and entrepreneurial ideas to make …

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Jeopardy W2 Assignment PSY302 – Course Researchers

Jeopardy W2 Assignment PSY302 Please fill out the entire template prior to submitting. Create 3 “Jeopardy statements” that would align with each type of evaluation. Fill in each area to the right. Example: This type of evaluation would be used to learn co-workers’ perspectives about Sam’s work habits. (This would be aligned to a peer …

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German Bank Specialist Report – Course Researchers

German Bank Specialist Report Business Specialist Report  A small German bank has approached you for advice. It has an office in London which has been operating successfully as a lender for several years but it has never extended its lending in the UK to property. It has recently considered setting up a team in London …

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Role of RN and APRN in Policymaking

Role of RN and APRN in Policymaking Discussion: The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making Word cloud generators have become popular tools for meetings and team-building events. Groups or teams are asked to use these applications to input words they feel best describe their team or their role. A “word cloud” is generated by the …

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Lucy v Zehmer Analysis – Course Researchers

Lucy v Zehmer Analysis Overview In the case of Lucy v. Zehmer, Zehmer spent the night drinking with his friend Lucy. During the evening, a piece of paper was signed whereby Zehmer agreed to sell his farm to Lucy. In this assignment, you will review the full case study in your textbook, analyze the contractual elements …

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Personality Scale Testing & Appraisal

 Personality Scale Testing & Appraisal M3 Personality Scale Testing & Appraisal Psychology of the Individual: Personality and IntelligenceTask and Assignment Instruction: 1Task and Structure You will search for and choose an empirical personality scale and assess 5-10 participants on it. The scale must consist of no more than 15 items. The scale should address one …

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Historical Processes and People – Course Researchers

Historical Processes and People Identify the following historical processes. Your response should address the who, what, when and where. You must also explain the significance of this process in terms of its social, political, religious, and/or economic influences. Your answer should be one fully developed paragraph in length. (no more)Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution Neolithic Revolution, also …

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Systems Strategy and Management – Course Researchers

Systems Strategy and Management Abstract This report takes a comprehensive approach to examining how information technology (IT) enables services and products through IT strategies for service and product innovation strategies. By reviewing recent studies, the report argues that changes in technology have not only led to the industrialization revolution but also playing a leading role …

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Leading and Managing Effective Teams

Leading and Managing Effective Teams This task has two parts. In Part (1) 1,000 words (EXCLUDE REFERENCES LIST), students will critically analyse the phenomenon of the virtual teamwork, using management theories*. This will be followed by Part (2(the Reflection on Teamwork, 500 words) *NO REFERENCES NEED, in which students will reflect on their own experiences …

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Cancer and Approach to Care

Cancer and Approach to Care The nursing process is a tool that puts knowledge into practice. By utilizing this systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care.Write a paper (1,750-2,000 words) on cancer and approach to care based on the utilization of the nursing process.Include the …

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Sexual Assault: Jessica Case Study

Sexual Assault: Jessica Case Study Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide evidence-based rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed, at least 500 words, 2 references, and must be within the last 5 years published. Case Study: Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault: Jessica Sexual assault includes any type of …

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Operational Excellence and Innovation – Course Researchers

Operational Excellence and Innovation Subject: Level 9 – Operational Excellence and the Science of InnovationAssignment Title Operational Excellence Part 2 – Revise the principles, tools and techniques of Lean and Six Sigma to be more appropriate and relevant to today’s business climate. Instructions 1. You are required to select two aspects of the concepts associated …

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Assignment Description: Managing Risk – Course Researchers

Assignment Description: Managing Risk Define the topic “Managing Risk” and explain its importance of it in the field of project management.  Complete a survey of the literature describing state of the art.  Correct and complete referencing and in-text citations must be used.  Based on your literature findings, suggest future research directions in your topical area.  …

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Milano Co Case Study – Course Researchers

Milano Co Case Study For this assignment, develop a 4 to 6 page response containing written narrative, figures, and charts. Milano Co. manufactures and sells three products: product 1, product 2, and product 3. Their unit selling prices are product 1, $40; product 2, $30; and product 3, $20. The per unit variable costs to …

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Delaying Entry into Russia Market

Delaying Entry into Russia Market Business Report – Delaying Entry into Russia MarketDoing business overseas cannot happen without learning about and trying to understand the customs, cultures, and work habits of people in other countries. Equally, effective management styles must be developed. The example of Russia follows. Russia is moving from a central to a …

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Grandma’s Cookie Company Analysis – Course Researchers

Grandma’s Cookie Company Analysis Grandma’s Cookie Company purchased a factory building. The company controller, Don Nelson, is in the process of allocating the lump-sum purchase price between land and building. Don suggests to the company’s chief financial officer, Judith Prince, that they fudge a little by allocating a disproportionately higher share of the price to …

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Case Study: Corporate Transparency – Course Researchers

Case Study: Corporate Transparency MGMT-1120 Introduction to Business CASE STUDY 2 : Corporate Transparency: Who Gets to Decide? You may have heard the Louis D. Brandeis quote, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” This adage eloquently captures the basic tenet of corporate transparency: the more open a company is about its operations, …

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Health Care Finance Lecture Plan

Health Care Finance Lecture Plan Prepare a lecture for an introductory health care finance class on types of revenue sources for health care organizations. For each revenue source, explain the purpose of the program, how the organization is reimbursed, and the benefits of the program. IntroductionNote: The assessments in this course build upon each other, …

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