Case Study UK’s Vaccine Taskforce

Case Study UK’s Vaccine Taskforce
Assessment Case Study Overview United Kingdom’s Vaccine Taskforce and Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-out
Assignment Objectives (Your Task) – YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS:• Critically examine the significance of culture in projects and how culture, using Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions framework, can be applied to facilitate the successful rollout of the Covid-19 Vaccine meeting the project’s aim. Justify your answer supported by evidence from the literature and linking to the case study (LO1).• Critically examine project management leadership literature covering definitions of leadership using 2 project management leadership theories covered on the module and recommend a leadership style appropriate for rolling out the Covid-19 Vaccine (LO2). Please ensure you relate theory to the case study.• Critically review and evaluate 2 managing change models (Kotter or Kübler-Ross or Lewin’s model) covered on the module and recommend one model that could be could be used or adapted as a suitable framework for rolling out the Covid-19 Vaccine thus improving people’s awareness and perception of the Covid-19 Vaccine and take-up. Justify your answer supported by the literature and link this to the case study (LO3).Assignment Objectives (Your Task) – YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS:Whilst the UK Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-out encountered many well documented problems you are asked as a consultant to critically analyse lessons learned and the risks associated with the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to develop a risk register in preparation for future vaccine rollouts. To meet this requirement, you will need to:
(i) Identify 10 risksReview all the possible sources of risks related to the Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out. Making use of the vaccine roll-out objectives identify 10 risks, construct a risk register (with headings in the risk register as covered on the module workshop) making use of the risk meta language to describe the risks;
(ii) Analyse 10 risksQualitatively analyse the 10 risks in the risk register making use of the Probability*Impact scoring and show risks on a Probability*Impact Matrix
(iii) Respond to 10 risks For the 10 risks develop risk mitigating strategies (threats and opportunities) for each of the risks and include whether approach a Threat or Opportunity and then a single sentence mitigation strategy alongside the risk contained within the register .
(IV) Summarised commentary – most significant risksProvide a summarised commentary of around 400 words of the most significant risks on the project (LO4).Useful Reports/Click Links BelowRachael Pells (2021) ‘The Great Vaccine Roll-Out’, APM PROJECT SPRING 2021. IOG (2022) Caronavirus vaccine rollout, Institute for Government (2021) VTF Objectives and Members of the Steering Group membership-of-steering-group/vtf-objectives-and-membership-of-the-steering-groupNAO (2022) ‘The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in England’, Session 2021-22, 25 February 2022, HC 1106. Portsmouth (2022) Covid-10 Vaccination Centres launch across Hampshire and Isle of Wight hampshire-and-isle-of-wight/Useful Reports/Click Links BelowPfizer (2022) Manufacturing and Distributing the COVID-19 Vaccine S et al (2021) Challenges to COVID-19 vaccine supply chain: Implications for sustainable development goals, International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 239.Mills C and Salisbury D (2021) The challenges of distributing COVID-19 vaccinations, Volume 31, EclinicalMedicine. 5370%2820%2930418-1.pdfOr 5370(20)30418-1/fulltext
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