Analyze how the increasing intensity of information technology investments

Analyze how the increasing intensity of investments, the digitization of business, and the big shifts in the U.S. economy have affected the competitive dynamics of Courier industry – FedEx.
For background on how the increasing intensity of information technology investments, the digitization of business, and the big shifts in the have affected competitive dynamics, please do the below readings. I have attached the articles.
Hagel, J., Brown, J.S., and Davison, L. “: Measuring the Forces of Change,” Harvard Business Review (87:7-8), Jul-Aug 2009, pp 86-90.
McAfee, A., and Brynjolfsson, E. “Investing in the IT that makes a competitive difference,” (86:7-8), Jul-Aug 2008, pp. 98-107.
Govindrajan, V. & Srivastava, A. (2016). Strategy When Creative Destruction Accelerates. Tuck School of Business Working Paper No. 2836135, Available at SSRN:

Use a maximum of one, single-sided page (no more than 600 words), single-line spacing, 1″ margins on all sides, Verdana font type, and 10-point font size.
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