1Discussion_QualityAuditing-QSO-645-X2498ProjectMgmtforPMPCert22TW2.pdf – Assignment:

1/1/23, 3:09 PM 8-1 Discussion: Quality Auditing – QSO-645-X2498 Project Mgmt for PMP Cert 22TW2
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8-1 Discussion: Quality Auditing
Discussion Rubric: Graduate
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QSO-645-X2498 Project Mgmt for PMP Cert 22TW2 TM
In Milestone Three, you identified quality auditing tools that were executed during
the control phase. After completing your textbook reading on quality management,
discuss how well you believe the project manager executed the quality
management process. What would you do differently? Support your response with
the project management practices and principles introduced in this module. Be
sure to state the project you selected for your final project in your initial post.
In your responses to your peers, review the posts of peers who selected a different
project. Would the same quality management practices and principles apply? Do
you agree with their approach?
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric PDF document.
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Wembley Project Quality AuditingJoel Rymer posted Jan 1, 2023 11:19 AM Subscribe
Hello Class, My project analyzes the Wembley Stadium project performance where

1/1/23, 3:09 PM 8-1 Discussion: Quality Auditing – QSO-645-X2498 Project Mgmt for PMP Cert 22TW2
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