tasktemplateforc100humanities.docx – Assignment:

Your Name

A1. Historical Events and/or Innovations (1–2 paragraphs)
[Insert your paragraph here] The submission provides an accurate description of the historical events or innovations that define the selected period.

A2. Work Analysis (1–2 paragraphs)
[Insert your paragraph here] The submission provides an analysis that accurately describes how the work explores a particular theme or stylistic characteristic from its period.

A3. Contribution to Humanities (1–2 paragraphs)
[Insert your paragraph here] The submission provides an accurate analysis of the work’s or author’s/artist’s/composer’s contributions to the humanities.

References (Part B)

Last Name, First initials. (Year). Website title. Retrieved from URL
Last Name, First initials. (Year). Book title. City Name, ST: Publisher.

MindEdge, Inc. (2019). Introduction to Humanities. Waltham, MA: MindEdge, Inc.
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