FinalProject1.docx – Assignment:

Final Project 1
Create an ORIGINAL math assessment consisting of 25 original (not copied, downloaded, taken from your district’s assessments, etc.) math questions. Your assessment will consist of  12 enhanced multiple-choice items,  8 constructed response items, and  5 performance items. See Appendix B for complete details. You are to use the same Mississippi Mathematics competency 5.MD.5 that you’ve used for other assignments in this course.
Multiple-Choice Items (12 questions)
· Purpose: Assess CCRS math standards and incorporate both math standards and math practices in real-world applications.
· Math multiple-choice questions assess procedural and conceptual standards.
· All questions require the integration of multiple skills and concepts.
· Answer choices – all distractors will be based on plausible missteps.
· Questions will vary in format, with a minimum of 4 different formats being used.
· See Unit 2B lecture for examples of different possible formats.

Math Assessment Grading Rubric


Advanced – 4

Proficient – 3

Basic – 2

Minimal – 1

Questions – number of

More than 12 multiple choice questions; more
than 4 different formats appropriately used (6 pts)

12 multiple choice questions;4 different
formats appropriately used
(5.1 pts)

10 – 11 multiple choice questions; 3 appropriately used formats or 4
minimally appropriate formats (4.2 pts)

fewer than 10 multiple choice questions; insufficient or
inappropriately used formats (3.3 pts)

Questions – content of

As a whole, the questions deeply assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional level; includes integration of multiple skills and concepts (16 pts)

All questions adequately assess the content of the
objective at the targeted
instructional level; includes integration of multiple skills and concepts
(13.6 pts)

Between half and most questions adequately assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional
level; includes integration of multiple skills or concepts (11.2 pts)

Fewer than half of the questions adequately assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional
level; includes a few skills or concepts (8.8 pts)

Questions – quality of

All distractors represent logical errors students can be expected to make;
distractors are ordered logically. (12 pts)

All distractors represent logical errors students can be expected to make
(10.2 pts)

Most distractors represent common student errors but several are unrelated to
common cognitive errors. (8.4 pts)

Distractors bear little to no connection with common student errors. (6.6 pts)

Questions – Originality

All 12+ questions are completely original to the
author (8 pts)

All 12 questions are completely original to the author (6.8 pts)

Most questions are original to the author but some are
copied from an outside source. (5.6 pts)

Few questions are original to the author and many are copied from an outside source. (4.4 pts)

Questions – concept focus
CAEP R1.3 Content

Question focus is a mix of procedure and concept
standards with an emphasis on concept. (12 pts)

Question focus is an equal mix of procedural and conceptual standards
(10.2 pts)

Question focus is a mix of procedure and concept with
an emphasis on procedure
(8.4 pts)

Questions focus predominantly on
procedural standards
(6.6 pts)

Constructed Response
Questions – number of questions

More than 8 constructed response questions; more than 3 different formats appropriately used (6 pts)

8 constructed response questions;3 different
formats appropriately used
(5.1 pts)

6 -7 constructed response questions; 2 appropriately used formats or 3
minimally appropriate formats (4.2 pts)

fewer than 6 constructed response questions; insufficient or
inappropriately used formats (3.3 pts)

Questions – content of questions

As a whole, the questions deeply assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional level (16 pts)

All questions adequately assess the content of the
objective at the targeted instructional level
(13.6 pts)

Between half and most questions adequately assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional
level (11.2 pts)

Fewer than half of the questions adequately assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional
level (8.8 pts)

Constructed Response
Questions –

All 8+ questions are completely original to the
author (8 pts)

All 8 questions are completely original to the author (6.8 pts)

Most questions are original to the author but some are
copied from an outside source. (5.6 pts)

Few questions are original to the author and many are copied from an outside source. (4.4 pts)

Constructed Response
Questions – concept focus
CAEP R1.3 Content

Question focus is a mix of procedure and concept
standards with an emphasis on concept. (12 pts)

Question focus is an equal mix of procedural and conceptual standards
(10.2 pts)

Question focus is a mix of procedure and concept with
an emphasis on procedure
(8.4 pts)

Questions focus predominantly on
procedural standards
(6.6 pts)

Math Assessment Grading Rubric (cont.)


Advanced – 4

Proficient – 3

Basic – 2

Minimal – 1

Task – number of problems

More than 5 performance task problems (6 pts)

5 performance task
problems (5.1 pts)

3 – 4 performance task problems (4.2 pts)

fewer than 3 performance task problems (3.3 pts)

Task – construction

Each question consists of multiple parts; each part conceptually related (8 pts)

Each question consists of multiple parts; each part conceptually related (6.8 pts)

Each question consists of multiple parts but each part
not conceptually related (5.6 pts)

Some questions consist of multiple parts but each part
not conceptually related (4.4 pts)

Task – originality

All 8+ questions are completely original to the
author (8 pts)

All 8 questions are completely original to the author (6.8 pts)

Most questions are original to the author but some are
copied from an outside source. (5.6 pts)

Few questions are original to the author and many are copied from an outside source. (4.4 pts)

Task –Content of Questions

As a whole, the questions deeply assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional level (16 pts)

All questions adequately assess the content of the
objective at the targeted instructional level
(13.6 pts)

Between half and most questions adequately assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional
level (11.2 pts)

Fewer than half of the questions adequately assess the content of the objective at the targeted instructional
level (8.8 pts)

Task – Concept
CAEP R1.3 Content

Question focus is a mix of procedure and concept
standards with an emphasis on concept. (12 pts)

Question focus is an equal mix of procedural and
conceptual standards
(10.2 pts)

Question focus is a mix of procedure and concept with
an emphasis on procedure
(8.4 pts)

Questions focus predominantly on
procedural standards
(6.8 pts)

APA-compliant formatting

Consistently follows APA format. There is a properly formatted and accurate reference page
(NO errors) (5 pts)

Consistently follows APA format. There is a properly formatted and accurate reference page (1-2 MINOR errors).
(4.25 pts)

Limited (3-5) APA errors in APA format including title page, running heads, citations, quotations or references. (3.5 pts)

More than 5 APA errors in format including title page, running heads, citations, quotations or references. (2.75 pts)


The presentation demonstrates exceptional use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). NO ERRORS. (5 pts)

The presentation demonstrates consistent use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (1-2 MINOR errors). (4.25 pts)

The presentation demonstrates inconsistent use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (3-5 errors). (3.5 pts)

The presentation does NOT demonstrate use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (More than 5 errors). (2.75 pts)

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