BHA201FoundationsofHealthAdministration2022OCT31FT-1.pdf – Assignment:

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Module 3 – SLP
Managers in health care have a legal and moral obligation to ensure high standardsof quality and patient safety. As a health care leader, you are in a prime position tomandate policy, systems, and procedures, and to influence organizational climates.Health care managers possess an essential role in quality of care and patient safety.Indeed, these are among the highest priorities for health care managers.
You are the Director of Quality at Trident International Hospital. You have beentasked to create a presentation to present to a group of health care managers at anannual training event. Based on the background readings and additional research, inan 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, provide the following:
1. Define quality in relation to internal and external consumers.
2. Explain the role of health care leaders in regard to quality and patient safety.
3. Identify 2 or 3 managerial influences on quality (e.g., driving improvement culture,goal setting, providing feedback on corrective actions for adverse events, etc.)
4. Compare and contrast CQI (TQM) and Six Sigma (Lean) approaches to qualityimprovement. Provide a real-world example in a health care organization of whereyou believe one would be preferable to another.
Speaker’s notes are required for each slide. Much of the information presented onthe slides should be concise and explained in detail through your speaker notes.
Be sure that you do not cut and paste material into your slides, but use properquotations where needed, and also citations for all reference materials. The sameexpectations apply to PowerPoint presentations as to documents.
SLP Assignment Expectations
1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support yourdesign of your PPT.
2. Limit your total PPT to a maximum of 10 slides, not including your title andreference slides.

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3. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:Angelo State University Library (n.d.) Library guide: How to recognize peerreviewed (refereed journals). Retrieved from
4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from
5. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source.NIH. (n.d.) Finding and evaluating online resources. Retrieved from
6. Review Library Tutorial 1 to review how to locate peer-reviewed articles in theTrident Library.

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